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Preapproval Before Shopping

Getting pre-approved doesn’t just give you an idea of how much house you can afford, it also lets sellers know you’re a serious buyer. With more houses receiving multiple offers, a pre-approval letter can be a key factor in a bidding war. I have great lenders that can get you pre-approved to begin your home buying process. Give us a call! 678-360-6273 | #preapprovalfirst #homesearchafterapproval #mortgageprocess #mortgage101 #homebuying101 #homebuyingprocess #homeownershipgoals #thehelpfulagent #heretohelp #houseexpert #servicedriven #experienceproven #strongmarket #buyingandselling #yourhomesold #welcomehome #sellersagent #buyersagent #atlantabrokers #atlantarealestate #henrycountyrealestate #claytoncountyrealestate #fayettecountyrealestate #rockdalecountyrealestate #dekalbcountyrealestate #solidsource #aullrealestate

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