Real Estate 101: MLS
On the listing side, the MLS exposes a seller’s property to a larger audience of potential buyers. On the buying side, the MLS allows agents a more convenient way to find their buyers properties tha...
On the listing side, the MLS exposes a seller’s property to a larger audience of potential buyers. On the buying side, the MLS allows agents a more convenient way to find their buyers properties tha...
Fall is upon us (even though it's still in the 90's in Georgia )! Here are a few reasons why fall is a great time to sell your home. Let's chat about your options and how we can get your home SOLD. 678-360-6273 #fallsea...
Fall is near but football is here! Let’s find the perfect back yard that’ll give you a real home field advantage this season. Give me a call and let’s get started. 678-360-6273 #homebuying101 #homebuyingprocess #...
Your house may be perfect, and yes, demand may still be high, but don't make the mistake of thinking your home will sell itself. There's a lot that goes into selling a home behind the scenes. Obvious things like marketing, arranging showings, a...
The home selling process can be tough, even without kids. Uprooting little ones can become a bit much. But trust me, it can be done! Speaking from personal sure to pack your patience. Here are a few tips to help but remember th...
A changing market still brings opportunities! Give me a call to discuss how you can still win. 678-360-6273 #thehelpfulagent #heretohelp #houseexpert #servicedriven #experienceproven #strongmarket #buyingandselling #you...
There is no shortage of online tools that will estimate the value of your home. But it's important to keep in mind that pricing your home is more complicated than an online tool can calculate; these online home values are just estimates. If you...
Selling a home is no easy task. It takes expertise, skills, and TIME. Is it impossible to do on your own? No, but what will you lose versus what you gain? You may save on agent commissions but what liabilities are you risking and how much money...